When you ask “Why was jobs layoff?” It won’t be wrong to say the coronavirus breakout sent shockwaves through the global employment trend.
The global economy is disturbed as the new statistics shows. The post-COVID-19 pandemic downturn seems serious as unemployment shall be dominating in and after the calendar year 2021.
“According to Nasscom, 60% of the major companies have escaped layoffs, but this did not add to employment as these companies retained their original staff. Now, both employers and job-seekers looking for new recruitment and jobs respectively. Perception System addresses the versatile needs of the recruitment industry with the latest trends and features you should consider before job portal development. We recommend you to keep these top features while considering a job portal solution to ensure you derive maximum return on your investment.”
The recent studies have estimated 18 million resumes doing rounds on various online job portals. The online recruitment market is poised to grow by $3.52 bn in USA during 2020-2024. The stats say that 86% of Organisations are Using Virtual Hiring During COVID-19.

US – Unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted, May 2019 – May 2021 (Source: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf/)
On the other hand, there is always a need for a unified platform for job seekers and employers for the obtrusive business tasks of job placement. 94% of recruiting professionals say that recruitment software has positively impacted their hiring process.
Typical every job portal and recruitment software should have features included with intelligent job search, resume parsing functionality, finding best match candidate, hiring workflow, and collaboration tool.
As per the estimation by Gartner, global IT spending is projected to increase by 3.4%, which is equivalent to $3.9 trillion in 2021. At the same time, 2.3 million new jobs will be created due to advancing artificial intelligence technology. Thus, from the above figures, you can easily derive that the demand for online job search is going to increase with the advancement in technology. If you are planning to create an advanced job portal, then do not forget to use these robust job portal features for a smoother user experience.
Okay, but what are the top list of salient features required for running your Job Board business web portal? Let’s say that if you recognise the functional synopsis below, you would be having good time to consider job portal development with ease.
Table of contents:
Key Features to enhance your hiring process Admin Dashboard
Recruitment Tools
Quick and Easy
Job Search
Apply on
Job Alerts
Job Save
Job Posting
Tracking System
Advance Recruitment
Job Portal Features
Additional must-have
features of any Job Search Website
Key Features to enhance your hiring process
The majority of Recruitment Software and Job Portal business are commonly designed with the significant topographies of higher engagement for both employers and job seekers and can avail the benefits of these features to enhance their user experiences to select the right candidate on right place. The acceptance benchmarks of a job portals are on its competence to solve a common set of below Job Board business challenges.
- Centralised access for all stakeholders.
- Artificial intelligence for Job search engine.
- Seamless workflow assimilation with recruitment process.
- Agile back-end content management system integration.
The benefit of a custom job portal is concerning to mainly three groups of stakeholders we can distinct into:
- Job Board Business Owner as Portal Admin
- Hiring Companies as Employer
- Jobseekers as Candidate
Admin Dashboard
The Job Board Admin dashboard brings everything to one spot. This dashboard is designed to expedite the bird view on your Job Board business activities, benchmark indications, notifications, and user’s activities on Job Portal Administrative Panel. However, the below business vital functionalities are must to have to make your Job Board with easy of doing business:
Document Management
Resume parsing, also known as resume extraction, and allows analyses and store extracted useful information from uploaded CV automatically and converts an unstructured form of resume data into a structured way. This parsing automation provides an efficient way to identify keywords on candidate’s skills, qualifications and work experience data, in order to sort through the heap of huge applications pile to identify the best applicants.
Resume Uploader
Automate CV Extractor
The Resume Parser extracts the resumes and CVs into machine-readable output like XML and JSON.
Advanced Recruitment Tools
Make recruitment and talent management your competitive advantages with the preeminent recruitment mechanism to compete in the market. The advanced recruitment feature provides all the essential tools from the single page to list, view and manage jobs; view applications, and access the analytic insights. This tool helps job seekers and employers to streamline through the hiring process.
Assessment Mechanism
Best Match Automation
Advance Search Bar
Complete Administrative Control
An ideal job portal must have a ubiquitous and user-specific recruitment tool, with step-by-step user guide, indications and responsive wizard in order to provide the meaningful hiring process.
Revenue Models
The Job boards have two source of core audiences for generating money, employers and job seekers as paid listing or premium service. However, most of the job sites focus on one of those two groups – and mostly paid subscription model for employers and job listing companies. This revenue model generates revenue by charging the employers a recurring fee based on either tenure-based subscription or limit with number of job posting on purchased package.
While on the other side, not every job seeker wants to spend money on searching the job, but can pay the minimum amount to increase the visibility of their resume. However, the job portals could charge small amount for registration, which helps them to get a qualified candidate.
Monthly Subscription
Premium Job Listing
Featured Jobs
Resume Access Limits
Banner Advertisement
Quick and Easy Registration
No recruiter or job seeker wants to go around every conversation with unwanted details. The portal should facilitate the job seekers and employers to build a strong profile attracting their leads. The profile page holds all the basic information related to the company and the professional background of the job seekers. Thus, an easy and quick registration is widely preferred by all user groups of Job Board.
You must facilitate your users with login and signup through social accounts including Linked-In, Facebook and Google that can also fetch their basic profile information from.
Candidate Registration
User Profile
Quick Job Application
Social Sign-Up / Sign-In
Get in touch to create a full-functional Job Portal with advanced features to improve your recruitment experience.
Job Seeker Tools
To make the job portal find the great job opportunities, in the most traditional form, to attract more candidates apply for relevant jobs. Job seekers demands, means learning more about the different vacancies open across the job market you can implement. In this article, we explore the most valuable Job Seekers’ features to encourage with to engage more and more and interacts with ease on your job portal as below
Job Search
The Job seekers appreciate for being able to search job listings and reach towards the desired and best match of openings, you help keep your job board audiences with maximum commitment. You job portal should consent job seekers to search by desired posts, keyword, salary prospects, locations and facilitate with such personalize options to give them the best chances of finding job listings that meet their needs.
RSS feed
save search
View Similar Jobs
The key feature of a job board is to enable guest users and registered applicant can refine their search and easily identify the exact roles they yearning for and get the most desired job for them.
Advance Filters
The philosophy is that you can never have too many filters for any intelligent web portal, however if you are creating a website for a job board, a selection for a smart filter are a must so your users can use your job portal in a stagnation. Job seekers expect desired and immediate results from a job portal. This job portal website feature provides the seeker with perfect match from the flock of job listing, and filters for which he has to apply and get rid of navigating every job post and find the ones that fit his requirement. With the execution of each agile filter, his time for job search will reduce significantly with burning efforts.
Filter by Location
Salary Range
Tags & Keywords Filter
Employers can also set various advanced filters depending upon their industry needs like Work Type, Industrial Experience, and Technical Skill Set, to strain out the candidate list to get more precise results that he is seeking for. These advances filters will work individually or all of them can be applied together to get more accurate results.
Apply on Job
Jobseeker can be long way engaged for being able to apply while searching the jobs and interact direct from the listing of their dream job. All recruitment software features handle quick job application procedure, with the more advanced functionality that allows for the real time assessment and testing tool, questionnaire to be answered before applying, so jobseeker can be rapidly evaluated before taking application.
Simple Application Form
Job Requisition
Job Approval
The platform should have simplest job application process that job seekers can keep track of his job under the Applied Jobs under my account section, and shall apply on multiple jobs or multiple employers at the same time.
Job Alerts
Job Alert allows candidates to create a list of notification mails and messages based on the signal points he sets for including keywords, location and positions, whenever this matches the set criteria, then the job seeker will get the automated email notification for that job to apply. You must encourage job seekers to enable push notifications while signing up for the job portal, the ignorance of this feature could impairment your purpose of the job board software.
Automatic Candidate Alerts
Email Job Alerts
SMS Job Alerts
Job alerts and push notifications enable job seekers to be updated swiftly and promptly apply for their desired job by activating the job alert function as it occurs, this also gives good exposure to your brand.
Job Save
The portal should allow applicants to save their favorite jobs he already navigated through and can bookmark the jobs to refer back them when they need to review again, edit or re-submit the applications. Job seeker can bookmark or make favorite list with any numbers of job that he is looking for, and he can apply on it later on. He can also maintain his bookmark/favorite list by adding/removing the items from the list the number of times he wishes.
Search Later
This feature allows job seekers to bookmark any numbers of jobs here referred through and come back later to resumes for further application process.
Employer Portal
Your job board software should comprise all job posting companies to create their profile as an Employer, this branding is a vital component for any job board to promote for the best talent pool and to create the mammoth job seekers community. Your job portal should enable all the significant employer tools with the following functionalities to manage and save time and help companies to find and select the right person for the right place without ease:
Resume Search
Recruiters usually use a lot of means to fill the right positions, your online recruitment solution should provide recruiter with the ability to concentrate all his efforts into a unified pool. A smart talent search, giving them powerful tools and insights as to which candidate’s source works best for their organization. Employer can easily search the desired candidate match by advanced filters and can have quick review on the candidate score card. Rendering keywords also makes job search much more easy and smooth. This allows the user to search for field-specific, skill-specific, or knowledge-specific keywords and get results accordingly. More filters may show city or state-specific job search results below.
Boolean Search
Smart Talent Search
Candidate Matching
Resume Alert
This smart candidate searching tool helps to find the best suitable candidate from the stack of applications with the agile filters of the right Keyword, Location, Experience, Skillset, and Expected Salaries or custom parameters required related to your job board target industry.
Job Posting
Employers advertise on job openings is a process that may have been complicated without streamline with Job Posting feature, as tons of postings happens and most of are automatically. The more successful job portal is the more comfort for employers to add a new Job Post, with the essential meta data he can add on the go, keywords, tags and more comprehensive information making the job listing more precise and relevant to the viewers. With the pre-ordained Questionnaire mechanism, the system can bring the perfect match and more qualified applicants.
Assessment Questions
Job Publishing
Job Approval
Social Media Job Posting
The portal shall provide an easy and customizable software interface to maintain the list of all the jobs that they created, can easily edit the metadata with ease and can make the job post in a more responsive way including closing, cloning, re-posting existing job posts.
Application Tracking System
The HR department needs to keep evaluating candidates’ potentiality throughout the recruitment process. Applicant Tracking System (ATS) makes your recruitment and job management, and talent acquiring process on the competitive edge from job posting to selection. 78% of employers using an ATS said that recruitment technology makes finding great talent easier. ATS is an all-inclusive system for keeping all the job applications in one place, helping recruiters to manage, analyses, and track applications without any hassle. Employers can also view the answers provided by the applicants before applying for the job. The recruiters can narrow down their application pool, without slipping top candidates from the list.
Candidate Pre-Screening
Candidate Shortlisting
Applicant Pool
Workflow Automation
An ATS evaluates the entire job posting information automatically and takes the filtering assignment according to the job specifications. This tracking system communicates agilely and automatically across the hiring process for important alerts and notifications.
Instant Messaging
Modern recruitment industry depends on how all user groups communicate easily and conspicuously, a highly prospective messaging platform which allows candidates and recruiter with personalized experience. advanced communication and user interaction tool using smart technology makes communication between applicants and companies effortless, and eliminate the burden for recruiters. This needs of a seamless integration across the job board solutions, Instant Messaging makes it easy for all ends to manage, communicate, and track the conversations. The recruiter can quickly connect with their desired candidate with the direct contact features and help them to reach out across the channels of phone calls, email, and instant messages.
Advance Communication Tool
Contact Box
Direct Interaction
Email Notification
The Instant Message tool enables Employers and Jobseeker to easily communicate internally via offline messages. Employers can also contact the Account Manager, who is their official assistant, to get any kind of help they need anytime.
Advance Recruitment Job Portal Features
A feature-rich job portal can increase effective results for your job search platform brand. For modern job portal development services, we recommend here many specialized solutions for job board to make a significant difference to your hiring process and to prevail for a certain recruiting challenge of a different Recruitment Software.
AI Based Search
Artificial Intelligent Search matches your users’ intent with the most relevant content based experience. You need to leverage AI based self-learning algorithms into your job portal that can run on millions of searches from your users focus to continuously improve the experience. This uses A Machine Learning models to enable search engine to deliver the responsive and relevant searching text that match with what the user expresses his intent.
Boolean Search
Intuitive Search
Intent-based Synonyms Ability
Stop-words Faceting
AI based search matches with Jobs specifications at amazing pace and with stunning accuracy. AI algorithm needs to apply on all basic data like user journey, recent searches and job history attributes to recognize the best match qualified for.
Video Integration
The most convenient interviewing process pursues candidates and recruiters to participate physically and eye-to-eye fashion. From the introduction round to shorting process, recruiter need to arrange a video conference with each candidate. Your job portal should facilitate virtual interviews between the job seekers and the recruiters. A visual communication channel that encourages to take virtual meeting without attending them in person.
Video Resume Uploading
Live Streaming Interviews
Video Cover Letter
Pre-recorded interviews
Video resume, video interview are the latest trend in the recruitment industry, such state of the art features gives a candidate a user-friendly experience and hiring agency to explain detailed information on skills, qualification and status of their applicants in the most explicit manner.
Create better first days for all candidates of your new hiring. Onboarding portal focus on employee formalities from introduction to paperwork. To collect documents for KYC, recruitment checklists and connecting new employee into your business process, On Boarding process make personalized workflow easy to set them up in advance.
Video Resume Uploading
Live Streaming Interviews
Video Cover Letter
Pre-recorded interviews
The On boarding portal focus mainly on people, process and paperwork and permits new hires to learn about the organization, sign-up for benefits, submit forms, etc. It also automates all the manual welcoming processes.
Re engagement from the passive candidate is a modern recruitment strategy. This Candidate Relationship Management system provide the mechanism to connect a recruiting manager with passive candidates to consider, and allows to offer automation capabilities to apply, follow-up other employees.
Re Hiring Process
Passive Engagement
Active Follow-Up
Now, by implementing re-engagement feature you can stand as only exceptional recruiting tool, as an extension for single point of screening, scheduling, and re-engagement, to support hiring with passive candidates.
Score Card
HR department is considering for a pivot indicators of candidate for more constant and balanced view on his competencies and skillset, while new hiring, scaling up, scaling down. A Job Scorecardis a framework for HR department for each employee used while interviewing candidate and manager sets expectations around indicators and results expected.
Job Description
Job Scorecard
Key Responsibilities
Skills Competencies
This feature access of entire candidate metadata and evaluate them on various aspects of candidate’s competences, skills, aptitude and talent factors.
Additional must-have features of any Job Search Website
User experience and mobile-first approach hold prominent importance in the 21st century’s hiring process. Here’s how these additional and specialized features can provide an enhanced user experience to your job portal.
Seamless User Experience
Seamless user experience is the key to factor to retain users on your job portal. Easy navigation, a user-friendly interface, and content readability are vital elements for a better user engaging.
Social Media integrations
Social media integrations help you to get maximum visibility on internet. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram are influencing social channels your portal users easily share job post through.
Content Management System
The friendly content management system enables the users to easily add, edit and maintain all job related content without any technical know-how.
Reports & Analytics
The Google Analytics or such real-time insights are a required tool that allows admin to calculate portal traffic to measure its ROI. Recruiter can set key indicators to evaluate the impression and visit received on each job post, it is essential to have the means to measure for quantitative metrics to determine whether this post added value to his organization.

Mobility Support or App
Mobile users are 1/3rd of the Internet and you must need your career portal to be mobile-friendly and search engines now giving priority on mobile-friendly websites. A mobile API is the best way for your responsive job portal development that target mobile device users using native app for the ease of accessing job board software anytime anywhere.
SEO compliance
It is necessary to integrate SEO features that make your job portal search engine friendly. The SEO Yoast plugin will help you to optimize your job portals with respect to titles, descriptions, tags and images, and meta tags.
Multi-Language Support feature on recruiting portal always increase your brand reach towards the global job market and on world-wide placement community forum. By quickly translating any content on your job board you can enhance your user experience form indigenous and local spectators.
Hire our full-time dedicated developers for your next Job Portal webiste.
Final Thoughts
Finally, keep in mind to select the right job portal solution provider available in the market. The best job portal website development can avail you of the luxury of getting the most out of your recruiting solution.